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The New Way To Work Is About Outcomes, Not Hours

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We've all heard about (and most likely discussed) how the work model has changed with the pandemic and what it will look like going forward. As people continue to work remotely or decide to start returning to the office, the next real shift will involve how broader flexibility is integrated into work schedules, and in turn, the new metrics needed to bring about successful change. This article from Fast Company by Carolyn Moore includes a number of insights including:

  • Setting Metrics. To accurately and efficiently measure results, managers must set specific and clearly defined metrics for their teams. Hard deadlines, set numbers and solid output goals are the major elements that make a results-focused model work.

  • Avoiding Continuous Check-Ins. It is crucial that all leaders instill good management practices to ensure their teams are on the right track and don't feel they need to prove their worth with "chair time" and the number of hours they are "online." Although very few leaders would own up to micromanaging, employees often feel otherwise.


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