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Shannon Nash, CFO at Wing (an Alphabet, Inc company), On Getting onto Boards and Staying Creative

Shannon currently serves as Chief Financial Officer at Wing, a drone delivery company and subsidiary of Alphabet, Inc. She serves as an independent director on several boards, including NetScout Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: NTCT) and SoFi Bank a subsidiary of SoFi Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: SOFI). She's also on the Board and Audit Chair at Lazy Dog Restaurants. Previously, she was on the board of UserTesting (NYSE: USER), including Lead Independent Director and Chair of the Nominating & Governance Committee.

Shannon Nash, CFO of Wing

Can you share a little bit about your career history to date and what led you to take on your current role at Alphabet’s Wing?

I have always found motivation and success in finance and numbers - I was a CPA by education and training before I went to law school. After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law, I spent the better part of a decade working on corporate, transactional and tax matters at some of the most well regarded law firms in the country. At a certain point, I hit a fork in the road and realized I wanted to work closer to the business. Ultimately, I decided that a career shift back to finance was a more effective way to achieve my goals.

After making the transition, I was fortunate to have a series of positions in corporate finance and accounting, which ultimately led to key leadership roles at high growth startups based in Silicon Valley. I currently serve as the Chief Financial Officer of Wing. I am a visionary leader and always looking for new and creative ways to drive change. The opportunity at Wing was the perfect opportunity for me to bring my previous work experience to a thriving tech company.

You serve on a number of board roles. What have you learned from that experience and what advice would you give to women who are seeking out board positions?

I love this question for a few reasons. First and foremost, it truly is the opportunity of a lifetime to serve on the board of a number of publicly traded companies. I currently serve as an Independent Director for Netscout Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:NTCT) and SoFi Bank which is a subsidiary of SoFi Technologies Inc (NASDAQ: SOFI). I’m also on the Board and Audit Chair at Lazy Dog Restaurants. I previously served on the board of UserTesting (NYSE: User) in the capacity of Lead Independent Director and Chair of the Nominating & Governance Committee.

Secondly, I take professional development very seriously. I’ve had a handful of wonderful people that invested in me and I love passing down their wisdom plus a few nuggets of my own.

Here’s what I would say to women who are seeking out Board positions or c-suite roles:

  • You cannot make it to the C-Suite alone. If that’s your goal, you need to seek out a core group of advisors who have charted the path before you. Ask questions, be open to critical yet constructive feedback, and use their triumphs and failures to help guide you. I call this a “Personal Board of Directors” and I believe it’s an essential first step on the journey towards joining a Board.

  • Invest in your own professional development. Always seek out new opportunities for growth. Invest your time, and sometimes your own money, on a night class, networking event, or professional retreat if it will help you make important connections or advance your position. For example, Black Women on Boards is an organization that helps Black Women seek out Board opportunities and/or provides the support that you will need along your journey to joining a Board.

  • Be the hardest working person in the room. People will not just hand you things. You have to be willing to work harder than the next person), ask the right questions, say yes to stretch opportunities, become an expert in your craft. And finally, don’t forget to socialize your superpowers - you’d be surprised by how people will come to you with opportunities if you put it out to the universe.

  • Return the favor. Once you’ve made it on a Board or to the C-suite, don’t wait too long to return the favor. Some of my most important moments of growth have happened when a strong woman, who just made it to the “top of the mountain”, reached back to help me make it to the top as well.

You’ve spoken in numerous places about supporters who have helped your career. I notice that you don’t call them mentors. Do you believe there is a difference?

I refer to those who have helped me along my journey as my “Personal Board of Directors”. My personal board of directors don't merely support and inspire me - sometimes they create new opportunities for me with a mere mention, whether I’m there or not, because they are champions of my success and key stakeholders in my life. Having a Personal Board of Directors is an intentional step beyond having a mentor. Mentorship is often one sided, inconsistent and seasonal. My personal Board of Directors have been key stakeholders in my professional life and an integral part of my career trajectory. They helped me become the Shannon Nash that you see today.

How do you maintain your creative projects, as a documentary filmmaker, and your professional workload? Any secrets?

I’ll be honest, it’s not always easy! However, there are 24 hours in a day and I maximize as many of them as I can. I live by my calendar and stay pretty true to my schedule. But I always include “me” time to reset and focus.

Most importantly, I have an unbelievably supportive husband and family that make sure I am always at my best. They show up for me in ways I could have never imagined and I’m grateful for them.

I have deemed 2023 as my “Year of the Yes”! I want to take as many chances and opportunities as I can this year. So far it is paying off and I am truly blessed.

You’ve shared that you have a super power in building and maintaining relationships. Care to share your top tip?

It is important to regularly check in with people and in an authentic way. Don’t just reach out when you need something, make sure they know you’re touching base because you care about the relationship. Relationships are two way streets and you should approach them as such. Ask yourself “what am I bringing to the relationship” and make sure you’re never showing up empty handed.

Who are women you admire right now?

My OnBoard (the film) Team! From my Co-Executive Producer Merline Saintil to our Director Deborah Riley Draper, all the Associate Producers, cast and crew, these women are spectacular! We've all made it our mission to ensure that Patricia Roberts Harris, the first black woman to sit on a public board, is permanently established in our history books.

And speaking of helping the next generation of strong women - I am constantly inspired by the young and ambitious women I meet while out on the road. They inspire me to keep doing hard things and never quit!

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My phone - I can’t live without it. Because I am always on the go with a packed agenda, it’s literally my lifeline at all times. Not having my phone on me is not an option! I don’t like to miss a beat so not having my phone is never an option.

What’s the next big trend on the horizon?

There’s so much happening right now! Just this week we announced that Wing and Walmart are now partnered to launch drone delivery. Wing will provide one of the world’s largest retailers with safe, efficient, and sustainable delivery for small, immediate-need packages, flying over traffic and to your door in minutes! Yes, minutes!

Get items like household products, OTC medications and food (lots of food items - lunch, dinner, groceries) and more. Just what you need, right when you need it - no car ride, no gas, no traffic required!

We’re starting with two Supercenters in the Dallas area. Thousands of more homes will be serviced, with many more operating hours, countless driving and shopping minutes saved, and LOTS of items available - even super delicate ones: like a carton of eggs.

The driving force behind this is the customer! At our core, we’re passionate about creating innovative delivery solutions that make life easier and better for everyone. The future is here and this is the path to scaling the benefits of retail drone delivery in our communities.

If you want to learn more, check out my recent blog post

On a personal note, my film OnBoard which premiered during the Tribeca Film Festival in June 2023 and won the Jury Award at the 2023 Essence Film Festival, will continue screenings at film festivals across the country.

I also have a packed speaking agenda this fall, including delivering a keynote speech at CFO Leadership Conference ( and an appearance on the Executive Stage at the AfroTech Conference in November (


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