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Maybe It's Not About You

How many situations have we been in where we felt hurt, neglected, or offended by another person? During those moments of what seems like betrayal, it often boils down to ego. In TED's "How to Be a Better Human" series, Frederik Imbo encourages us to call out our egos when they cause us to take things that are not about us personally. Imbo offers two strategies to help us prevent our egos from taking over:

  • Strategy #1: Shift your focus from "me" to "we." By attempting to understand the other person's intention, we make space for understanding rather than irritation. This exercise takes practice as it is not always easy to avoid focusing on your feelings in order to empathize with someone else.

  • Strategy #2: Give empathy to yourself. When we make mistakes and are the source of someone else's frustration, it is helpful to express how we feel and ask for understanding. Sharing our perspectives without blaming the other person will increase our chances of being understood.

When we stop taking things personally, no one can have power over us, and we are free to experience more harmony and connection between ourselves and others.


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