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Marcy Comer, Commercial CMO of EagleView, Talks About AI and Machine Learning

Marcy is Chief Marketing Officer, Commercial Group at EagleView, Prior to EagleView, Marcy held leadership marketing roles at Spruce and as employee #3 at Austin based start-up Dosh (acquired) where she claimed the top spot on the App Store and secured $97M in VC funding. Prior to Dosh, Marcy was a senior marketer at Amazon, where she launched Amazon Supply (now Amazon Business), built marketing traffic for Woot (an Amazon subsidiary), and led a team to drive branding, promotion, traffic and analytics. Her experience also includes roles at Sears Holdings, 7-Eleven, and Tracy Locke as well as fractional CMO consulting. A Texas native, Marcy moved back to Austin, TX, from Seattle 6 years ago with her family. She is a passionate advocate for working moms everywhere. In her free time, she leads fundraising for her local PTO and convincing her elementary-aged kids to pursue careers in software development and/or finance which isn’t going well.

You’ve worked in a number of different industries before getting into big data for roofing, solar, government and insurance customers. What drove you here?

We’ve been in business for decades, selling technology to these industries, and we are continuing to build products and services that will truly transform business in these industries and beyond. I’ve always loved building, and this is a greenfield. Setting aside that, I’ve learned through previous career stops that the people you work with make all the difference. If you dread showing up to work each day, it’s a good indication that you won’t do your best work. I get to work with smart, funny, hard-working people at EagleView. I’m pretty lucky.

What trends are you seeing in these historically non-technical industries that excites you?

These industries use more technology than you think. There are entire tradeshows dedicated to selling technology in these industries. We are entering a period where businesses will be forced to innovate to stay afloat. Our end users, our customers’s customer, are making tough choices about how they spend their money. It will likely stay that way for some time. Every company is taking a hard look at expenses and finding ways to cut costs. Technology is a great way to do that. Our recent launch of EagleView Assess uses ML and AI to identify property damage. The application of this technology reduces soft costs for both Insurance Carriers and Roofing Contractors and provides homeowners with irrefutable evidence which increases trust.

What lessons have you learned from this industry that others can extrapolate from and use to benefit their work?

There are still so many manual processes in businesses dealing with land, properties orr assets that are ready for technological innovation. If an image of it exists, there are data attributes that can be applied and leveraged to replace a manual process.

What have you learned about B2B marketing that you think is particularly relevant to other CMOs and C-Suite executives now?

There is no replacement for talking to customers. You can have one of your directs talk to customers and hear all about it, but when you personally hear the pain points and objections from your customers and prospects it resonates more. Go for a ride-along with your top sales rep for a day or two, and step into reality. As a CMO, I’m driving strategy and constantly talking to all of the members of the team. I have to understand the customer more than anyone to be successful.

Okay, real quick: what is geospatial data? And, what can we do with it?

Geospatial data combines location data, land attributes, and time information. Our customers use our data and intelligence tools to derive shade values to build efficient solar systems for properties, obtain measurements for a roof and walls to order the proper amount of materials for repairs or remodels, validate insurance claims after a tornado or hurricane, understand changes to a house over the course of a year to calculate property tax changes, determine access points of a property in order to direct first responders, and so much more. The opportunities are really endless and we are interested in expanding the usage of our data for even more exciting uses.

Who are women in your industry to watch or women you admire that inspire you right now?

The movement at women's organizations is interesting. I’d like to see data on impact. I’d like to see more quantifiable experimentation with communities to measure impact and share results. What are the specific tactics being used to help members of their community and how can others replicate? If it exists and it was shared it would certainly make the community stronger.

What’s a product you cannot live without?

My previous espresso machine finally broke a few months back after a solid 5+ year run. I really tried to use my french press, but I was grumpy as hell. After much research, I landed on a Delonghi Magnifico Evo and my mornings are magical again. I can live without it, but no one will want to live with me without it.

What’s one trend you think we all must be paying attention to in 2024?

AI tools for writing help me break out of my creative rut and they are supercharging our productivity. Its a simple way to get inspired and discover new ideas and approaches we may have not considered. I used Rytr to finesse this answer.


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